(logo)  Starting AWeb

From the Workbench

You can start AWeb by a double-click on its icon.

AWeb can be specified as default tool in a project icon. You can use extended selection (shift-click) to select one or more project icons. AWeb will load the projects selected as local documents.

In addition, AWeb supports the following tool types:

Specify this tool type one or more times to open these documents when AWeb is started. If you specify a local filename, use the LOCAL tool type too.

If this tool type is present, the names in the URL tool types will be interpreted as local file names, rather than network URLs. This tool type is not needed if you select documents by their project icon, as mentioned above.

Look in ENV:AWeb3/settings_name for the settings. By default the settings in ENV:AWeb3 are used. If the directory doesn't exist, default settings are used. Saving the settings will create the directory (also in ENVARC:AWeb3).

Use this file as AWeb's hotlist instead of the default, AWeb.hotlist. If the file doesn't exist, it will be created the first time you add an entry to the hotlist.

From the Shell

You can start AWeb from the Shell (or the CLI).
AWeb [url_or_filename]... [ LOCAL ] [CONFIG settings_name] [HOTLIST hotlist_filename]

The documents in the URL argument are loaded when AWeb starts. If the LOCAL argument is present, the names will be interpreted as local file names, rather than network URLs.

The name in the CONFIG argument will be used as subdirectory name relative to ENV:AWeb3 to look for the settings. By default the settings in ENV:AWeb3 (no subdirectory) are used. If the directory doesn't exist, default settings are used. Saving the settings will create the directory (also in ENVARC:AWeb3).

The file in the HOTLIST argument will be used as AWeb's hotlist instead of the default, AWeb.hotlist. If the file doesn't exist, it will be created the first time you add an entry to the hotlist.

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